Saturday, April 07, 2007

It really means something meaningful to me now!
When a cup of ashes of bails from a lost match can aspire "winning" and when a phoenix can be "re-born" from its own ashes, it really means something!!!

The revival of the old "ME", who would never expect nothing from nobody, who is a love-giver not a love-sucker, who is full of energy, comfidence and whatnot, is a sudden happening like a "BOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM". The meloncholic me vanished, something like a dirty thing burning into "ashes", all of a sudden. Like "re-birth" and "aspiration" the old me was born out of that.

I now start valuing something that I believed it never can happen - what people call as "rebirth revival renaissance renewal" and "rejuvenation". The phoenix inside oneself, I think now, is a very powerful entity, that would transform one's suffering, one's woes, one's nonsenses into something blooming, buzzing and blazing, everything all of a sudden like waterflow from a pressure built dam, a transformation from an extremely (so called) tight mindset into a completely slack and liberal mindset, like a flock of a hundred birds getting freed from bondage inside a cage!!!