Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And miles to go before I sleep,
... And miles to go before I sleep.

This is where I dump all my daily thoughts. I really admire them as GREAT philosophies, but people dare not to look at 'em.

Let me start with this poem...

The moon,
In its third quarter
Is so lonely up in the sky.
So lonely am I.

"I lost my kith.
I lost my kin.
I lost my little toddler's grin."
I hear this all around
And hence is the the world around.
Me too am. . .

This autumn,
A hush of breeze. . .
My mother tree
Shred all my pals.
I do not know to which trench did they go.

A single old leaf on the autumn branch,
I still am here. . .

My bare autumn branch
And I await the spring,
For GOD made all cycles of autumn and spring.
When autumn comes,
Spring is not too far.

This is how we often keep whining about things around and hope for something better, but never see and enjoy what is happening. Most of us just elude from such environs. But, it's a fact that we can always find deep hinging joy out of such happenings. What I mean are not the sad happenings. Happenings, I mean the people around, their characters and whatever you take in the wrong sense.

If you have the sense of taking people's habits always in the right sense, it is really a God's gift. Understand that no one is stupid in his own eyes. Whatever he does, goes good in his logic. May be, the world sees him stupid and thus do us, then we have all good excuses that we are right that he is stupid. It happens. But, always try to have a soft corner for others philosophies their logics and understandings, for all these have been conceived and grown out of very deep experiences (again in his own eyeview) and careful thoughts.

And here I finish, reminding that we have miles to go before our sleep. . .

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